To start out with though is one of the children out by the field
And now to finally post pictures of our trip to FlA. This year was "eventful". The night before we left Mark jr started throwing up, a lot. I begged Mark to please let us stay home as I was not looking forward to passing this along to all of the children in the van, but it was decided that we would go ahead and take the chance. Just in case, I was prepared with a bucket(or so I thought) for what was inevitable and sure enough later that evening it was Augustine's turn. The bucket was not what I had thought and had a large crack in it and well, you can imagine what followed, we ended up filling up sand buckets. At that point I looked at the children and said, "well, you can all expect to get this and so you may as well decide right now, who you are going to offer it up for." That is the only answer right? Make something good out of something, well, not so good. Sure enough, everyone took turns getting sick during the week. The weather was also the coldest we have had in FLa, but overall it ended up being a wonderful vacation.
By the end of the week, everyone was feeling better and the weather was warm enough to wear suits and go swimming. We had a GREAT time at Busch Gardens (the pictures are on Mark's camera)and ended up staying the whole day there, it was a beautiful 78 degrees that day. On the way home, we stopped in to see Aunt Laura and while we were there we saw Abe Lincoln's home. I LOVED that, it was so interesting. To topp it off Laura took us in the back and let us dress up in period clothing, the pictures will be coming as soon as I get them off of Mark's camera... Onto our memories..
our condo is the bottom right one, perfect for watching the children on the beach!
and one more when Gemma was 10 months, she was playing under this blanket: