Monday, February 28, 2011

It has been forever...

I have not posted in such a long time because of our craziness with trying to sell our home. We are finally in our new home and ready to begin our new life "in the shadow of the shrine". We are so excited and feel so very blessed by our Lord because of every aspect of this move.

I do want to catch up on this blog and there are pictures that I have taken over the past months that I do want to document and so there will be quite a bit of backtracking, however I will start up again with pictures of our new home and life!

Our prayers were answered with a buyer for our home on the ninth day of our novena to St. Joseph! Praised be God, He is so GOOD! It has been 9 months of a lot of hard work, but we are so excited to be here.

First are some pictures I took of Philomena next to our field. I love the angle that the sun sets here and the scenery, I can't wait until I can get all of the children out for a picture.

some pictures of the house will be coming tomorrow, I am too tired to keep on going!